Work From Home Savior: Computer Progressives


Now more than ever nearly all of today's workforce spends the majority of their day using a computer or digital device. With this increased demand on our eyes even the very best customized progressive lenses fall short of our needs when working at these shortened distances because they are designed to give optimal performance at a distance greater than ten feet. Occupational progressives offer the perfect solution whether you have the need to concentrate on close work while keeping near surroundings precisely in focus, or if you work at the computer while also requiring mid-distance focusing needs.

Computer Vision Syndrome, also referred to as digital eye strain, describes vision-related problems that arise from prolonged computer, tablet, e-reader and cell phone use.

Occupational progressives are designed to allow the user to maintain a correct working posture while providing an increased viewing area for both computer and closer working distances. Lenses can be designed to work exclusively at the desk or to allow more visual freedom in a room distance environment.

If you are suffering digital eye strain or if your everyday progressives are failing to meet your occupational vision needs come in and consult with one of our opticians, chances are there is a ready solution available.

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